Data Analytics
Constant verification & evaluation
Our data analytics solutions comprise processes and activities designed to obtain and evaluate data to extract useful information.
Why choose Nexia SAB&T as your Data Analytics partner?
Nexia SAB&T offers data analytics services in response to ad-hoc requests, or the implementation of continuous auditing processes. The results generated by these processes may be used to identify areas of key risk, fraud, errors or misuse; improve business efficiencies; verify process effectiveness; and influence business decisions.
Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATs)
Traditional audit methods may prove ineffective in the face of vast volumes of transactions. CAATs provided the scale needed to allow auditors to properly test that controls are operating effectively and consistently.
Continuous Auditing
Continuous auditing is an automated method used to perform auditing activities, such as control and risk assessments, on a more frequent basis.
Technology plays a key role in continuous audit activities by helping to automate the identification of exceptions or anomalies, analyse patterns within the digits of key numeric fields, review trends, and test controls, among other activities. This enables the integrity of information to be evaluated at any given point in time, but also enables constant verification. This allows issues to be flagged as they arise, rather than only being spotted during an end of year snapshot.