External Auditing & Assurance
Building trust
In company reporting enhances confidence, strengthens business relationships and facilitates efficient investment and growth.
When you partner with Nexia SAB&T, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your audited financial statements give a true and fair reflection of your organisation’s financial position.
Why choose Nexia SAB&T as your External Audit Partner?
Our human-centric approach goes beyond simply achieving compliance to identify any systemic weaknesses and provide actionable recommendations. Working as one team with your people, we strive to provide the assurances that external investors require.
Global Reach
As a member firm of Nexia, our reach extends to international companies of all sizes and structures.
We leverage our collective knowledge and apply consistent tools and methodologies to achieve the results you want.
Our External Audit Solutions
Assurance engagements
Limited assurance engagements
Performance Information Audits
Performance Audits
Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
Specialised Audits
(agreed upon procedures/factual findings)
Promoting Transparency
Establishing mutual trust and respect builds confidence in your organisation’s reports to your stakeholders. We keep you up to date with relevant financial reporting and related legislative and technical changes, and help you maximise the potential of your business.
Our global audit methodology incorporates the latest technology to drive an efficient and effective audit process. This robust approach ensures maximum benefits to your shareholders and other stakeholders.